Sunday, April 06, 2008

Good times. & lots of them.

Saw the Padres beat Houston 3 to 2 at Petco Park!
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008. Day games are awesome
in the sunshine in downtown San Diego, CA. I went
with my good friend Jasen Carr, my Dad, and myself.
We had beers, hot dogs, & peanuts. It felt like a
Ferris Bueller's Day Off, especially when they
played The Beatles cover song version of Twist &
Shout during the 7th inning stretch.

I'm sort of going out of order in time because that's seems
to be how I'm remembering the last few weeks...

Yesterday my soccer team called Team Hungover won 5 to 2!
Woo hoo! I managed to put in a header goal just before the
end of the 1st half whistle blew. My friend Ignacio had a
goal too and I managed to sneakily intercept a lazy defensive
pass in the second half to put in an easy 2nd goal. We were
pretty happy with our win because we were short handed 1
player and had no substitutes. We were on.

Last night I played an acoustic bonfire show for about 20
friends down the street. We were singing Weezer, U2, etc..
and some new originals I've been kicking around 'til 2AM.

I still smell like a campfire after 2 showers!

I was a groomsman in a wedding for 2 of our best friends
Liz and Evan Kinkruz. Super fun and weddings are usually
hit and miss for me. The love is either there or it isn't.
This one, the love was definitely there. 3/29/08

We had a kick ass time partying at Yogi's in our tux's
after the wedding too!

After the excellent limo rides and wedding festivities we
went and saw our other best friends play a show at The Casbah
the following Monday. Musee Mecanique played an amazing mellow
set using instruments such as accordians, acoustic electric,
guitars, drums, all kinds of key boards, and even a hand saw
played with a violin bow. It was a night to remember especially
when we had shots with the bride and groom as they officially
signed their new wedding license with my wife Kristen as their witness.

I'm sure I've left things out. Life moves pretty fast! Geese.

Drop me a line if you're interested in "Williestock" June 28th & June 29th.
This could get crazy.
posted by Willie @ 1:22 PM
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